Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Personal Trainer

So I have hired a personal trainer so that I can look as Hot as all of you other blogger friends out there. We will have a training session every night @8:30 pm. So one might think how can she afford her own personal trainer every night. Well he is actually free. Crazy huh, but the catch is he's mine......all mine hands off ladies. Yep his name is David hunkahunka burning love Otterstrom. Last night I did more push-ups and crunches than I have probably done in the last 28.5 years and I can feel it today. So anyway happy to training to me.....and bless David's heart for being willing to do this. I love you Honey...

So I was going to post pictures of this hunky trainer, but at the moment I am technologically inept.. Oh well

1 comment:

Wendy L said...

Great post! You're funny,.